Why are bees important?
If you ask anyone what it takes to make a plant grow, they will likely tell you “water, soil, and sunshine.” While they’re not wrong, they also are not entirely correct. Water, soil, and sunshine may get the job started, but this new plant is going to need some assistance to really get things going…
That’s where bees come into the story. Here are the reasons why we need bees to survive.
How Do Bees Help Us?
Bees are one of the most hard-working and helpful species on the planet and they are also one of the most misunderstood species.
People are often afraid of getting stung as soon as they see one – I know my niece is. And then there are those who are perfectly happy to put on a bee beard!
However, more people are awakening to the importance of bees due to the increase in backyard beekeeping. More and more families are choosing to keep small beehives in their gardens to help the ecosystem and produce their own honey.
Whether you love them or hate them, we owe much of our livelihood to them. We actually need bees to survive. Not only does their survival depend on us, but our survival depends on them as well.
Why Are Bees Important To Humans?
You may be asking, “But why are bees important to humans?”
The answer is simple! Bees help us have healthy crops and a thriving ecosystem, which in turn helps us to live healthier, thriving lives of our own. Bees are important for the overall health of the environment, our ecosystem, and our farms.
How do they achieve this? Through pollination! It’s no secret that bees are major pollinators of our crops, but they also do so much more than people may realize, through the simple act of pollination.
Why Are Bees Important For Pollination?
If you love fruits and veggies, or at least like them a little bit, you should really be thankful for all the bees.
Most of our food depends on pollination to grow properly, and bees are just the guys for the job. We have bees to thank for melons, berries, broccoli, avocado, etc. Seriously, the list goes on and on!
These plants require a transfer of pollen from the male part of the plant to the female, which is where bees come in. In their search for nectar, bees move deeper into each flowering plant and carry with them grains of pollen that they leave on the surface of the plant. This is exactly how these plants are able to grow and produce our favorite foods.
Without bees, our farms and gardens would be unable to thrive. But that’s not the only reason bees are necessary for our planet’s survival. These little pollinators are vital to the Earth’s environment and ecosystem.
Why Are Bees Important To The Environment?
The well-being of bees can be a direct indicator of how our environment is doing.
For instance, the decline of the bee population is a sign that there is something missing. Since bees are responsible for pollinating about 90% of the world’s food, we need to pay attention to things like a drop in population.
Honey bees are one of the only insects that can last for multiple years (honey bee lifespan depends on the bee’s sex & role in the colony), rather than short-term colonies in which usually only the queen survives.
If the honey bee population lowers drastically from one year to the next, this is a sign that an environmental factor needs to change and we, as residents of the same planet, need to take action.
Another way bees can help us care for the environment is through their production of honey, beeswax, and other by-products. Scientists can take samples of these and analyze them for traces of pollution.
But creating sources of food isn’t the only wonderful thing these little friends do for the planet. They are also extremely important to the preservation of Earth’s natural ecosystem.
Bees Are Important To The Ecosystem
Bees produce honey to feed their colonies during the cold months, but humans and other species have been able to benefit from their honey production just as well. It seems we aren’t the only species with a bit of a sweet tooth. Other insects hunt in search of honey, as well as larger animals such as hummingbirds and raccoons.
Aside from creating a food source for wildlife, bees also help create homes for various species of wild animals and insects. It all comes down to pollination.
Bees pollinate flowers and help create not only a home for many insects but also a colorful landscape that’s a joy for all to look at. But they don’t just stop at flowers. In fact, there are many tree species that would not be able to grow at all if it weren’t for the pollinating of honey bees and other varieties such as mason bees.
Without bees to help the growth of many natural habitats including tropical and deciduous forests, as well as creating a food source for many other species, much of our planet’s wildlife would slowly disappear over time.
Why Do We Need Bees?
Bees might very well be the superheroes of planet Earth. They, along with the other pollinating animals, make it possible for all of us to co-exist in a healthy, thriving ecosystem.
We are all like a new plant. Yes, we need water, and soil (or earth), and sunshine to thrive. But we also need a little helping hand from our friends. Without bees, we wouldn’t have our favorite foods and we’d be far less healthy as our diets would be quite different without the nutrition from the fruits and veggies the bees so graciously pollinated for us.
Bees make it possible for us to thrive.
How To Help Bees
We all need to do our part in returning the favor.
There are two really simple things you can do to help bees, as they help us:
- If you see a bee laying on the sidewalk, feed it a spoon of sugar water to get it up and going again (it may not be dead, just a little tired).
- Plant some flowers in your yard. They are beautiful to look at and you would be doing your part to aid the survival of a species. It’s beneficial for everyone.
Remember, bees are an extremely vital and important part of our planet. If we take care of them, they’ll be able to take care of us. If you’re working with them, chuck on a good bee suit and you’ll be fine.